
Friday, August 19, 2005

Everything You always wanted to know about Quicktime 

QT2 logo

QT3 logo Inside: QuickTime QT2 logo

South Pacific mirror web site available here.

Second North American mirror web site available here.

Brief History

QuickTime (a.k.a. Project: Warhol) first came to life back in 1989 with the
Warhol (Campbell Soup

Can icon) mac-based system add-on INIT to provide video, audio and
basic text handling all within a

single file on the Mac OS (System 6). The official release was in 1991
also brought basic video and audio capturing support to the OS.

With it's second release in 1994, QuickTime really brought meaning to the
word "Multimedia" by adding

support for music (MIDI), animated sprites, enhanced text, media
timecodes, playback modifiers (tweens),

track references/chapter lists, and VideoCDs (MPEG-1). A basic 16-bit
Windows version was also released.

Revisions included support for 360 degree panoramas/objects, 3D rendered
objects, modifier tracks, and

improved MPEG and MIDI handlers.

The third release in 1998 had an improved interface, fuller 32-bit Windows
support, and more improvements to it's

various components. Including the bundling of low bit rate codecs like
Sorenson, QDesign Music and Qualcomm's

PureVoice. Also Roland's GS 8 Bit MIDI instrument library and support for
real time transitions and image filters were


In 1999 came a completely different metallic styled interface with Real Time
UDP streaming support. Support for

Macromedia's Shockwave Flash 3 and more graphic based image decoders were
added. As well as a better panorama image render.

The fifth release for 2001 promised full MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 playback video
/audio support on both platforms.

MPEG-2 decoding could have been a pro only feature, but licensing reasons
prevented it from being added at all.

A cubical VR panorama engine, a completely new MIDI synthesizer, Shockwave
Flash 4 media handler, new

Sorenson codec, PreFlight text importer, and ShoutCast playlist support.

The current release for 2002 has full MPEG-2 playback video/audio as an
extra commercial component and full

MPEG-4 video support on both platforms. MPEG-2 decoding must be
purchased as a separate product, due to

licensing restrictions with MPEG-LA. Other new features are an MPEG-4
Advanced Audio Coding codec, the

pen standard MPEG-4 CELP vocoder option has yet to be added so the
only option is the already available

proprietary PureVoice CELP vocoder, and Shockwave Flash 5 media handler.

NOTE: MIDI and MPEG-1 are only supported by external extensions
whose Mac OS names are 'QuickTime

Musical Instruments' and 'QuickTime MPEG Extension'. Also the latter
is now supported on the 32-bit Windows platform in version 5.

QuickTime(Sound Manager) versions were roughly released as follows:

QuickTime Pro

Five Reasons to Go Pro

  1. Play movies in Full Screen
  2. Save movies from the web
  3. Do it yourself editing
  4. Create MPEG-4 content
  5. Create 3GPP & 3GPP2 content

QT3 logo Inside: QuickTime QT2 logo

What's in QuickTime

Check out the Formats Page for an overview of the supported file formats and
media encoders.
Also check out the QuickTime Install Status Ticker, QuickTime Extras and the
Encoded Media pages.
Note: the QT Extras page is a little plugin intensive.

This is an overview of QuickTime's main big endian (network) file formats:

This is a list of proprietary big endian (network) media file formats:

This is a list of proprietary little endian (Intel) media file formats:

1 - Basic object navigation layout is similar to a QuickTime movie only in terms of
it using four

character type codes followed by atom-like long offsets,
however the structure is closer to that of a RIFF AVI file.
2 - Whereas ASF is basically an extension of RMF that uses 16 byte hexadecimal
GUID type

codes followed by atom-like 8 byte offsets.

For information related to the above QuickTime formats check out the following
text files:

1 - Some useful QT related Mac OS Gestalt selectors(most do map to win32

For an overview of the component architecture check out the following text files:

The companies that support QuickTime via their image/sound codecs and other
add-ons are:

1 - David Most has a number of sound(voice-based) codecs for QuickTime and are

currently bundled with Microsoft's Media Player.

QuickTime Hacks for the Mac OS

Below are a couple of hacks I made/found to make my life easier when using

QuickTime version 4. They are compressed with StuffIt 5.
NOTE 1: Since the Windows OS doesn't use a multi-forked file system the

following hacks are next to impossible to do without re-writing the code.
NOTE 2: Add-on library files need to go into the same directory as the main

QT extensions, not the "QT Extensions" directory.
NOTE 3: Add-on plugin files need to go into the same directory as the

MoviePlayer app, not the QT system directory which QuickTime player uses.
DISCLAIMER: They are not endorsed or sanctioned by Apple nor their affiliate

companies. They are provided only to bring back support for features that were part of

older QT versions.

Nice site!
[url=http://sjdthvha.com/qfoj/dbpt.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://npcdjkql.com/epzq/iiji.html]Cool site[/url]
Nice site!
My homepage | Please visit
Great work!
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